
Wyświetlanie postów z 2017

Atrydzi i Okupacja

Na początku wypada opisać genezę zaistnienia całego postanowienia. Przede wszystkim w latach 2012/2013 ród Atrydów prawem podboju zdobył ziemie przynależne Zachodniej Polsce, Republice Federalnej Niemiec, Republice Francuskiej...... Ziemie te były przynależne tytułem prawa własności. Pomimo nieustannych prób, gróźb, zamachów jak i petycji, ani ród Atrydów ani też Ja personalnie, że zacytuję: "Nie mogą się nawet zbiżyć" do kwestii związanej z jakąkolwiek administracją tymi ziemiami. Co więcej administracja ta byłaby i tak wyłącznie na ustalonych zasadach. Sprawa się ciągnęła, aż do całkowitej rezygnacji w rok po rozpoczęciu prób. Dlatego też, pamiętając o tejże kwestii, ród Atrydów wnosi ciągłe Veto na jakąkolwiek okupację bąd...

Czemu tytułuję się Wysokim Księciem nacji Pradawni.

Cuż powiedzieć, artykuł ten rozwieje mnustwo niedopowiedzeń i wyrazi moje oficjalne stanowisko w przedmiocie tytułu który to posiadam. Przede wszystkim sama geneza bierze swoje początki w posiadaniu umiejętności koniugacji czyli przywołania. Jest to popularne określenie dla posiadania uprawnienia do stoczni czy też zakładów produkcyjnych dokonujących natychmiastowej, komentarzy znowu produkcji. Zakłady te bazują wyłącznie na posiadanych przez zamawiającego uprawnieniach jednostkowych. Do tych uprawnień między innymi podliczają się moje uprawnienia inżynieryjno - budowlane. Opiszę całość na przykładzie poniekąd standardowego przywołania okrętu matki bazującego na bazie uprawnień jednostkowych właściciela. Okręt matka po przywołaniu ma możliwość budowy stoczni. Jednakże pos...


Schlezar Intergalaktyczna odznaka paszportu dyplomatycznego. W realiach ziemi oznacza tyle samo co paszport dyplomatyczny i działa jako taki zarówno na terytoriach państwa które ten paszport wydało, jak i poza jego terytoriami. Wygląd "Schlezar"

Arabowie przejmujący świat

Będąc na fali myśli iż świat arabski przejmuje świat, pragnę wytłumaczyć dlaczego. Otóż byli sobie zarządzający światem. Osoby potężne i wpływowe. Ich chip wszczepiony pod skórę (podobny do mojego) świadczył o ich pięknych imionach oraz pochodzeniu jak i uprawnieniach jakie to mają. Niestety pewnego dnia, osoby te dokonały pewnych czynów, za które groziła im kara śmierci. Karę wykonać należy i zgoda była. Wpadli więc na pomysł "Uśmiercenia się". Utraty personalnych identyfikatorów jak i uznaniu siebie za zmarłego, czego dokonano. Koniec końców z pięknego imienia Aleksander czy też Ulisses, powstało imię "(-+)_+(-)()+(()+(+_)+)(+)()(-)()" Jak ono powstało. Wiadomo, uznanie za zmarłego a więc uznanie samego siebie za nic, zero i dno. Dlatego też pe...


As in Poland and in the world, there has been some kind of chaos associated with Aliens, I decided to straighten out some of the thinking of some of the people who govern this world by activating my automatic space fighter. As I said earlier, each of his counterparts. You're having fun with this nonsense, Vaygr gets fucked up for it.

Evacuation Simmulation

Next weekend, from 1 to 2 April there would be an Earth Evacuation Simmulation. On 3 April i would write You what i managed to do, and how did i meet the requirements.

Evacuation: Mathematics

Earning money for evacuation of European Union. I got lets say 6 Mothership Battlefield groups, but lets count like i have 1 Mothership battlegroup. 1 Mothership Battlegroup mining ability can earn 4 million of Resource Units (my currency) per hour. 1 Cracked Planet is about 2 800 milions for my Mothership Battlegroup mining ability. (Planetarny Bombardment till planet cracks useing special warheads). One floating Cosmic Island is, lets say 400 milion of Resource Units. One Cosmic Floating Island can take 14 milion passengers very comfortable way. European Union got 500 milion of citizens. On Saturn Satelites, Kalisto, Ganimedes, Europa we got nearly 50 placed for a shipyards. This give us ability to spawn 50 "Tanis" shipyards. 500 milion of passengers divide into 14 million Floating Island limit, gives us 38 flying islands. 38 flying islands multiply by 400 million, giving us 15 200 milions of Resource Units as the cost of building these flying islands. 15200 mill...

Evacuation II. That is a plan only for a Madman

Why for a madman ? Evacuation into another Planet EVERY citizen of European Union and affiliated countries. A total of 500 million lives in 5 years max. Working in Forerunner, Progenitor Grand Prince and trained by Eldar - So you should think that way. If im working alone, I always win. Cash is, everything is Coustomer our Lord - This is how I move. Now the basis of a plan is a "Macross Frontier" Floating Island. Its not too expensive, and can take on board 20 milion lives. Every mothership Battlegroup can withstand 1 Big Floating Island and every ship affiliated to it. And only this. Why Floating island with atmosfering Entry ? When you come to the planet, to where you evacuated every citizen, you dont need to build a city. Also the self-designed instalations are the best. Only a foul builds his empire on a ruins of  another Empire. You would be living on this floating island on planet. Now got 6-7 Mothership Battlegroups hiden in subspace or in Naval Base so...


There is a gosip about planed evacuation, so maybe I also would place in here my plans for evacuation excercise. As You see above, Istnieje floating Island which got more than a hundred kilometra in leight. Quite priceless to see it, but very expensive to build. Everything Forerunner/Eldar standard issue. As You are a Forerunner, You havent to look like a Forerunner. So i havent got any choince than to become partialy bankrupt, and realize a floating Island. Plan on a Realistic Simulation is like this: Once upone a time, I call a one Complex issue Mothership. Then i conquer and start to occupation of one od a moons in this solar system. Or maybe event a Mars. I place in there a "Tanis" mobile Mothership/Realistic shipyard. Maybe event a coupe od them, i see how many i could call in here. The next thing, i search for and buy a "patent right" to build Floating Island like shown im Japanese anime "Macross Frontier" All very very beutifull and noce lookin...

Japan & Eldar

As you know, Eldar always recognized superiority in all of Forerunner, from which it is derived. Forerunner is pure digitization. Elder lived in the time of Progenitor, which who they collaborated. Progenitors where in nearly all mechanical and thus Eldar had to be mechanical. However, Eldar still recognized Forerunner as its superior, and therefore sought to Digitization, at the same time, as he have to become mechanical. So Eldar in his wisdom has become mechanical, while at the same time digitized. The same ideology guided Japan. To see this, just examine a Japanese car. All mechanical systems work so perfectly that even exceed the assumptions used by the factory, working on the "trouble-free". Additionally, any, cars are full of digital electronics, which controls the mechanical components. At every step, perfectionism. Also this guids the Eldar. So how do you prove Eldar is associated with Japan and Japan with Eldar? Now, the help of Japanese Anime come to us, i...

Garrison Terra

And back to another issue. Terra for me and others just like me can be only a military garrison (which I did in 2012 on a part of territory). This planet has too much debt, political instability and too little infrastructure to place anything more, not to mention research labs or an orbital shipyard. Unfortunately, if any civilian structures are located on this planet, they will soon become a targets for different factions to take over those instalations, which would create a scandal. Taking that into consideration, I placed here in 2012 a small military garrison only and nothing more. Headquaters are located elswere, they same goes to civilian instalations (different location than Headquaters). If You see some factions trying to take over, just smile :). They havent got an Idea, on which the entire Navy is based upon. Yes, it is a Navy, and they are trying to take over a Navy of a different Nation ;).

Lantean Drone Weapons

Ive never told anything regarding Lanteans nor im 100% sure if their weapon, small drones exist, but i feel that i have to tell something in this matter, cause i got rather big knowledge regarding army rules that where present those days. Weapon of Lantean, self-guided Drones are weapon rather terryfing. It can wreak Havock among the enemies, but its also showcase of some sort of status. First of all, its not a direct weapon. So its not a weapon that would damadge an enemy directly like a Kinetic Cannon. Drones are simmilar to rockets, which is guided only by a computer, not like a cannon manualy. Lanteans havent got in their arsenal any type of Cannons, only a drones that can act as self defence system, not offensive weapon. In the end, Lantean weaponry i would rather clasificate as self-defence for a civilian. Why ? Those drones havent got on board any type of warhead, only atacking by kinetic energy which is formed by impact into target. Its rather a sign of a civilian weapo...

Atreides Mover

One od most Famouse designs ever build. Despite age, still appreciated and regarded as somewhat timeless design. This design serves, over the years, as a basic fighter to combat any threats that its owners might encounter. He does not have any special skills, except for very good and well konwn gun serving as the main force of such a design. The "Mover", as I mentioned earlier, is an old construction, but it still has a gun installed which could be a step forward in the evolution of light weapons. I can not reveal what kind of weapon it is, but I can say that they are Universal Universe. So every opponent they meet, will be able to destroy or damage it. This fighter, even for space standards, can be described as big. It size, it even surpasses the corvette (200 metres), which makes it a heavy fighter, but its maneuverability classifies it as a medium fighter. That is why it is an amazing piece of artistry in the manufacture of weapons. Maybe his appearance seems to us C...


According to a custom, every Google account should be automaticaly confirmed. So i registered my credit card on Google and it should last to confirm. Should be haveing unlimited Google drive storage. Now i see, that they grown uper that they are and every account should be confirmed manualy. I also fight for my Field-Marshal status on Google Play. No problem with that. In the future i will automaticaly confirm or decline every my decision that they would give me to answer. I rather renember everything, so no problem. Cya ;) Eldar Power Supreme


I would like to write a Correction. Your way of thinking is not bad. Simply refers to a completely different world and a completely different League in which  other factions struggle. So dont place me near enemies that you think that i have, just dont. They are too little for me, so according to custom, I do not pay attention to them. Makaan and Taidan Emperor are not in the Premier League as I and the Bentus nation are, but rather in the First Division of the galaxy and so. They would like to join a Premier League, but does not have the power, idea, rights and permission to produce higher order warships or do not have permission to senior army. Thats why if you want to be in both Leagues, you have to buy yourself a correct warships for a suitable opponents. Why im in Premier League ? Because i can order to built and got permission to use Forerunner/Progenitor Warships. In this matter im above you, cause on Earth there isint a one program suitable for my League. Event First Div...

Atreides Dreadnought

One of most Famouse Pilars in our galaxy of Progenitor Navy. Nowadays Atridies Dreadnought resembles technical designs and idea of Cosmic Warfare of the past. Haveing got only two diferent cannons, presents idea of warfare in cosmos that where present in couple of milion years ago. This powerfull Dreadnought have a quite nice and uniwersal weapon as its main altilery. Where i said Uniwersal, i said Uniwersal. This weapon is good against all adversaries, event special ones that have special abilities and special armor. It served im an armies that where crosing by multiple galaxies, so its quite Uniwersum Uniwersal. Unfortunately this weapon can fire only straight ahead and cannot manuwer on ship. Shortly, where ships points, this weapon also points. As i said before, this resembles old style od fighting that was present those days. Apart form a main canon, it have also a secondary cannon which is mounted on the lower part of the chassis. This twin cannon is also Universe Uni...

Royal in cosmos. Atreides other Atreides unequal

Well, lets start from this, that beeing Royal both on Cosmos and Earth is quite a good feeling. It can also be very useful in dealing with other nations. At the Royal, especially in Great Houses like Atreidies everywhere there is a commandment "Pacta Sun servanta," which is well known and admired, therefore when dealing with them, apply somewhat different rules. Well, but let's get back to the topic. Of House Atreides can only be those that are connected by blood to house Atreides. Others are simply serving them nothing more. Also if you want to create for example House Atreides, you need to be Atreides by blood, not their serevant or some other person. Whats the diference betwen diferent Houses of Atreides ? Each house was created by member of Upper House Atreides, that was enslaved or sowewhat moved or received an order to create his own House, but which is the mainstay of upper or main House. As you can see, if you are proper Atreides, you are by blood nearly e...

Atrieides Mothership

This smaler ship is about 10 kilometers tall. Unfortunately its my scaling of the ship and my own scale of ship measurement. Quite a ship. This design was present 5 milion Terra years ago and its quite old, but still could be quite a versatile enemy. Everybody knows what is Lantean technology and that it was present coupe of million years ago. Meanwhile, this ships was present and was acting during the time when original Lantean where living. Despite its size, it was characterized by its high speed and the ability to quickly move many of its ships. The design of the ship itself is old, but to this day it can be considered as the quintessence of ancient technology. Big and Fast - that is what is great in it.  For the moment I have 3-4 ships like those, that are fully prepared for warfare. These ships are designed to operate even behind the front lines, with no supply. Unfortunately, their fault is a "flat" construction. In spite of its size, the ship is relatively flat a...

Gauld & Ori

In spite of their technological advancement, these breeds can be described as poorly advanced and oriented more towards carrying their religion than to running wars. It is not clear from the mainland that these religions have taken a real beginning, but are too small to monitor them accurately. Local religions, aided by technology and nothing else. It is not known why in the Stargate series, the Terran team fights these religions, because even the planet Terra many times surpasses these religions with its quantity. This is a pointless fight that should be more defensive than attack. Just opponents are not able to put out a similar number of armies. This is another problem of the nature of proportionality. I know that Stargate has a limited number of corvettes in its arsenal, such as the bc-304, but that is their problem, and he alone should not be anything other than a discussion of the nature of territorial defense rather than the source of lament and the reason for guerrilla warfare....

Acients Flying City

This is one of the things that the true Lantean where succesful (do not take into account their successors that where using their technology). Maybe Lanteans went gone couple of milion years ago, but still their technology could be marked as unsurpassable. Flying city shows the crown of thought and the jewel in the crown of Lanteans. For the first time presented to the general public on Stargate Atlantis TV Series, Flying city "Atlantis" shows the leading technological thought of Lanteans. Built-in hyperdrive to move quickly and fairly high mobility classifies this city as a civilian facility designed for the mobility between locations or as a mobile space city, covered by energy barrier for protection and to maintain the proper atmosphere in the city. In the series Stargate Atlantis city has been repeatedly attacked several times and received injuries. Then in the next episode turned out, that it remains intact, however, I can assure you that the city does...

Clones and their meaninglessness

Maybe minor leagues can go on with this, but in a higher league, unfortunately, that happens, and this is somewhat standard. So why underlay an original for a clone or a clone for an original is meaningless. First of all, let's start with that, if you have a device to clone, also others can have those devices for cloning so there is good protection against various crimes which can be maded by clones, so thanks to that each of us can sleep despite the widespread fashion for all kinds of clones; ). And the punishment for underlaying clone for yourself to make sometging important is enough to discourage everybody and its simply not practiced. First of all, let's start with what is a clone. This is obviously a replica of the original person who arises as a result of the implementation, or by a biological procedure involving collecting a sample of the original gene, and then using any such creation of a replica of the original existence. What they have in common besides being ...

Aurora Class Lantean Battleship

Although looking modern, this ship has its best times behind. As I mentioned earlier, these ships were not only lightly armored, and also without a guns and could be serving as a guard or as a local police force. But that was couple of milion years ago, when original Lantean where living. Nowadays, we can spot the replikas of original ships maded from weaker material than the original ones and also which much worser armament than the original ones. All in one this give us an idea, that what survived from original Lantean, is nothing. Just nothing. Everything creased to exist, and what we found is a mere replika of original ones. Not only replikas, but also poorly maded, not according to original specification.  So, as you can see, these ships are not any higher level of technology. More are the memory of what was but gone. Representatives of previous thinking and concept. It is no secret that these ships have had better days behind them and are not able to fight on par with compa...

Blue Wings, Symbol Genesis

At the beginning I would like to say that the Blue Wings are indeed my symbol, but also a symbol that was given me. When i was young, I played in a Virtual Reality in the Special Forces that was working under this sign, which was given to me as a result of exemplary service in this Commando. At first I did not know what this is all about. I just found the sign "Blue Wings" which i took as my own and use it during Virtual Simmulations in the Commando. They called me at this time simply "Raven," and nothing else. I performed there as a sniper with a pretty good sniper rifle and a pistol in the event of closer contacts. As I recall, in addition to the standard simulation of what where then take place, one day some people came up to visit me. Unfortunately, they treated me rather rude, exalting, and so I decided to give them a standard lesson. In addition, I had to take in the Simulation of entire campaign to acquire the correct status. Anyway, at the end of th...

United States

Today, after 3 weeks since the founding of Blog, it's been 100 visits from the United States of America. As you can see my thoughts are prominent even overseas. Thats why im writing in English ;)

BC-304 Daedalus Class Battlecruiser

The proud name for a small ship. Real Earth Government cosmic wafare ship. Above all he is not classified as Battlecruiser because it is too small to be even one Capitalships. Contrary to appearances, is an ambitious, yet small corvette which acts as a multi-purpose vehicle. Despite prevailing on the ground complete lack of ideas for the design of ships to fight in space, this corvette can be considered a good design. But only "good" because in some places is great, and in some places is a complete bottom. Therefore lets respond with what's going on. This Corvette has installed on board a great shield, which protects it against any attacks from outside. It's really great shield, but its design is older than the Earth civilizations together so for those that are using what you have is nothing new (Encyclopedia). Others have switched to a different type of a shield (now major players have shields causing indestructibility, limited-time, not limited by resistan...

F-302 Fighter-Interceptor

Earth multipurpose fighter F-302 presented for the first time in Stargate, and then in the television series Stargate Atlantis and Stargate Universe really exists and to this day is used in the Earth defense forces (in order to verify whether this fighter exist, my Internet Protokół Adress from mid-2012 Invites). This is a relatively small unit used at most to patrol the planets and the surrounding areas of the planet, mainly dedicated to the role of a police patrol fighter or reconnaissance unit. Meanwhile this unit, due to lack of funds is used as frontal unit in all types of disputes. In other words, the F-302 is used by Earth Government as a core of military aviation in the defense of planet or during the war. Meanwhile, other major nations use multiple units, much larger and much faster and much more agile even as reconnaissance units. The sum summarum, as they didnt designed anything better because of a lack of funds and the conceptions, both intellectual and real, army ...

What Exist in Reality In Space

Original, not this changed map was more correct but still it represents main players in this Galaxy. Forerunner It is in a position where it is. But do not be afraid. He exist. Most technologicaly advanced from every race. Vaygr Mainly Navy conducted by the persona that they call Makaan (Same as the successor of Taidan Emperor, succesor of Makaan is a clone of original one but thats only a gosip. Maybe something like him, but still same way of thinking and tactics). They have the biggest territories in the galaxy, since their tactic is the tactic of the Raid. They do not occupy a large territories od space, only act a bit like a wolf herd, often traversing vast tracts of space and patrolling the areas. Not for nothing is said, "Armada de Makaan", because they have mainly large fleets of ships, measuring more than four kilometers each but still they are qualificated as a "Raider" and got smaller but more customised ships for a Raid. Higharan Very re...

Justice League Tower

To my surprise, something like "Tower of the League of the Righteous" orbiting around the earth on which it sits Superman or other pseudo-heroes exist. There is a large property, and has a height of one and a half kilometer. It might sound strange, but departing from it Superman, although on a computer taken in identification as a friend, has a tendency to attack each unit encountered with the exception of hostile to him. The sum summarum advised you to bypass any such station, although it may look for a neutral place which has its repercussions on the computer identification. Sorry we believe this has an advanced system operating on the principle of camouflage to hide everything that is connected with it, and above all, the first and absolute followers to attack its own allies registered on computers identification. Unfortunately, in the event of an attack any such representatives and residents of the space station, vainly call is talking with them on the friendly rela...


The first rescue, first planetary bombardment. Eldar of Warhammer 40,000 trilogy does not exist. W, during the reign of ancient (Prime's of Lantean) there was a technologically advanced race that wanted to act and look like a Forerunner by whom they were made. They wanted to become like them and at the same time be something beautiful, so they created the advanced technology but with flair and finesse worthy of the artist. All it is gone with the real A ncients, and the only thing left is a testament od their own greatness. None of you should write about them, just tell Eldar.


Topic is v ery Simple, cause this thing for an ordinary people on Earth doesnt exist, but lets go deeper info this topic to show negative phenomen that teleportation would cause. Above all, teleportation technique is partly forbiden, i say partialy forbiden because not autorised and not accepted teleportation technique is forbiden and treated as a weapon. Teleportation essentialy consists of dematerialization, then move the "matter" by various groups to then merge it in a special machine. This way you can say that the machine is in a specific way "kills" the existence, then its molecules merge elsewhere.  Therefore teleportation in its essence is prohibited, what is more, a machine like this every existence can be wrong, especially by making such a specialized function which is combining very small particles into a complete whole. In such event, we risk being teleport to genetic changes such as genetic incompatibility between a father and his children, and th...

Your living in a Matrix.... Reality as a Matrix or a Simulation

Well its quite hard topic to talk, but to all of this talk, i add my special topic witsch is.... Progenitor Mothership Basicaly, if you are living in a Matrix then you would know that large space object are limited for a Matrix , meanwhile Simmulations doesnt have this type of limitations. The measurement of cosmic objects in space for a Matrix is quite limited and even obiects near limitations could cause rendering problems. Also the limit is quite small. The Simmulations are the Simmulations, nobody wants to be something like a line of numbers in some sort of "computer" simmulation, so this teory got its enemies by itself. The answer comes from just a look on a real Progenitor Mothership. Very thin shape, but a long measurement. This colosal ship is a class on its own. Very long measurement witsch is nearly 50 kilometers in leight clasificate this ship as an anti-matrix by itself. Addition, to main filar of Matrix opposition is its drive. This ship to travel in hype...

Moon - the Genesis

Maybe it sounds weard what i will write about, but they are my personal experiences. Basically, Progenitor race that i represent, according to Higaran leaved this Galaxy about 4 milions years ago (Terra callendar). Explanation od their exile is quite unknown, and complicated but still this can be placed as a date of birth of a Moon . Basically, from the start a hudge "Orb" is beeing placed. This "Orb", or rather ownership of it grants you permision to very advanced technology . For example, thanks to ownership i can order to build Progenitor Mothership. For Universe terminals, its something like "Chaos Gate", but lets return to the topic. Basicaly, this "Orb" should stand im the same position for a long time. Meanwhile, thanks to it strong electric emmision it will start to gather cosmic dust witch will eventualy after many years and gathering will turn into rock. This could explain why planets are so regular in their shape. So big object, s...

Building A Country - Universum Made

First of All, you need a peace of a place on the ground. Maybe we describe whole process on countries placed on the ground, not in space or any type of a lvl ( cause even sub space countries exist in Universe). This peace on the ground is unfortunately being ruled by rules of the planet and this ground by it self, so you have to, even must place in your country rules, rules from planet and this part of a ground, not to mention rules from upper than planet parts of space/ground. If you have the basis, then you can establish your country on a part of a ground relaying on a minimum surface for a country. Of course, the country to become a country need to have everything from the part of a ground/planet basic rights and mandatory rules. if you are here, you can now see that you have a basic country, with standard patent rights, traditions and so on. of course you got a right to oppose them is some points, but you have to keep this opposition in Logic, cause only logical countries can b...