Acients Flying City
This is one of the things that the true Lantean where succesful (do not take into account their successors that where using their technology). Maybe Lanteans went gone couple of milion years ago, but still their technology could be marked as unsurpassable.
Flying city shows the crown of thought and the jewel in the crown of Lanteans. For the first time presented to the general public on Stargate Atlantis TV Series, Flying city "Atlantis" shows the leading technological thought of Lanteans. Built-in hyperdrive to move quickly and fairly high mobility classifies this city as a civilian facility designed for the mobility between locations or as a mobile space city, covered by energy barrier for protection and to maintain the proper atmosphere in the city.
In the series Stargate Atlantis city has been repeatedly attacked several times and received injuries. Then in the next episode turned out, that it remains intact, however, I can assure you that the city does not have a self-regeneration module and must be repaired and mantained manualy.
On the one i can assure you. The city was by the Earth's expedition simply stolen. The process was presented also in "Stargate Atlantis" TV Series. At the moment in which the city was on the surface and detect intruders, has started an automatic transmission of messages to the owners. Simply put - Autoalarm. The expedition decided not to solve the problem by talking with the owners, but they destroyed the transmitting antenna, which caused the interruption of transmission. However, it has been recorded and stored. So my suppostition is, that Earth is not Lantean friendly, rather they are stealing their technology and acting like its their own. My suspicion is that Lantean treat us like civilian treats a thief.
What I can say about this city. Little and a lot of. Not much because I havent been there and I know it only briefly and on the other side, a lot because I have the "patent for implementation" of this city into reality.
My fleeting knowledge is based upon realisation in realspace of this city thanks to my shipyard (Stream from my Internet Protocol from middle 2012 is a realistic evidence).
First of all, i want you to tell, that this city i middle-size city, its level 3 city. In this class of Flying Cities there was also others and level 5 flying city which looks the same, but its 3 times wider than the "Atlantis". Its source of energy shoul sustain "Progenitor" standards, so it should be active and fully support a City for a long time (Not like in Stargate Atlantis, propably fakes).
Buts lets return to topic, where we should look for their greatness. Maintaining of this Flying City is cheap, realy cheap. Maintaining even biger than Atlantis is much cheaper than maintaining a colosal warship.
There is also another thing, lets go to realistic simulation with a "Patent of realisation" of this flying city. Now construct lvl 5 flying city and place it in the middle. Then construct 3 level 4 flying cities and place them near lvl 5. now construct propably 5 level 3 flying cities (Atlantis), then i just dont renember, did this 4 years ago propably 5 lvl 2 and 5 lvl 1 flying cities. Now order all, from lvl 1 to lvl 4 flying cities to dock with lvl 5 Flying City. Wait a moment... The cities will automaticaly dock to the places where they should be. On the end you will receive something that looks like "Atlantis", but builded from multiple cities with multiple skyscrapers.
Thats the Equilibrum
And this is a Pride
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