There is a gosip about planed evacuation, so maybe I also would place in here my plans for evacuation excercise. As You see above, Istnieje floating Island which got more than a hundred kilometra in leight. Quite priceless to see it, but very expensive to build. Everything Forerunner/Eldar standard issue.
As You are a Forerunner, You havent to look like a Forerunner. So i havent got any choince than to become partialy bankrupt, and realize a floating Island.
Plan on a Realistic Simulation is like this:
Once upone a time, I call a one Complex issue Mothership. Then i conquer and start to occupation of one od a moons in this solar system. Or maybe event a Mars. I place in there a "Tanis" mobile Mothership/Realistic shipyard. Maybe event a coupe od them, i see how many i could call in here.
The next thing, i search for and buy a "patent right" to build Floating Island like shown im Japanese anime "Macross Frontier" All very very beutifull and noce looking.
As i have it, i order to start to realize this floating Island. The shipyards wont realize entire Island, it would build parts of it, and then slowly merge it into entire Island.
"If You are a Forerunner You should be Forerunner", so one shipyard can realize a 4 kilometer part in a 8 minutes. Dunno how many parts, but entire realisation could take less time than You think, especialy cause i could heard some complaints about a long time, like about everything else.
After realisation of this floating Island, it would lift to cosmos (standard issue ability in Eldar. Everything should go up and down, even coupe of times without even a one maintenance problem). The same time some shutles would be realisated and would lift passengers and cargo into cosmos. And thats it.
Record-holder on a time realisation
Record-holder on a confort level
Record-holder on a beauty level
Record-holder on a .......... Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera
Maybe then i would stop listen co complaints about myself and my arrogant behavior.
As You can see i got a plan, and my entire plan aims to this "La grande Finale". So i would do also many other things, but this would be in the end. I placed even many precautions and safe-lock mechanisms (assistance of a loan in a bank, reserve Mothership, reseserve means to earn a money, reserve even couple of a times many things). In the end i placed a solid bunker on everything, so to her this first they should assault a real Fortress.
So far I hold the title of "undefeatable" because i always very well and accurately secure myself.
That would be my plan for another great Victory, and another "Renember the mame" in Realistic Cosmic Simmulation. Only Taidan Empire got something simmilar to my concept, but not so mobile.
Bellow a film about living on this floating city. I wish you success in the fight with me ;).
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