Atreides Dreadnought
One of most Famouse Pilars in our galaxy of Progenitor Navy. Nowadays Atridies Dreadnought resembles technical designs and idea of Cosmic Warfare of the past.
Haveing got only two diferent cannons, presents idea of warfare in cosmos that where present in couple of milion years ago.
This powerfull Dreadnought have a quite nice and uniwersal weapon as its main altilery. Where i said Uniwersal, i said Uniwersal. This weapon is good against all adversaries, event special ones that have special abilities and special armor. It served im an armies that where crosing by multiple galaxies, so its quite Uniwersum Uniwersal. Unfortunately this weapon can fire only straight ahead and cannot manuwer on ship. Shortly, where ships points, this weapon also points. As i said before, this resembles old style od fighting that was present those days.
Apart form a main canon, it have also a secondary cannon which is mounted on the lower part of the chassis. This twin cannon is also Universe Universal standarized, so its good against every type of a enemy. Quite versatile, mounted on a front can rotate and target even incoming interceptors. In my opinion this weapon is even more devastating than the main cannon, because of its firepower and rate of fire.
This ship acts, as it is so you dont have to mount some special equipment on it. Everything that its mounted in him should last for a good and gloriouse service. Also an engeine od Dreadnought itself is very very good and could witstand event hardest requirnments.
Of course there are fakes, but they are much smaller and their gun is not Universally standardized and that makes them much weaker.
Like every good things, this ships also got its own weakneses. First od all, the design is quite old and could be treated as outdated, and its rather correct way od thinking. I personaly exchanged this type to ships with news ones from the Complex, and would be useing ones in the future. Also this ships is very slow and a little maneuvering. Od course, those are the ships that i got by my rights as Atreides, but sometimes you have to open and exchanged the wardrobe so everything would work fine. Maybe useing those ships should be limited to special ocasions against special enemies nothing more, cause today's doctrine of warfare demands highly armored and very manuverable ships that could widstand many diferent requirements (sometimes event a battleship with a hangar bay).
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